Conference „Human rights Due Diligence: Taking action against human trafficking and labor exploitation in supply chains“

Skopje, North Macedonia | May 11th, 2023.

As part of the regional conference for Southeast Europe held in Skopje in May this year, in connection with proposing actions against human trafficking and labor exploitation in supply chains, we presented the Responsible Business Hub and the activities of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

At the conference organized by the OSCE, in cooperation with the OSCE Mission in Skopje and the National Commission for Combating Human Trafficking and Illegal Migration of the Ministry of the Interior of North Macedonia, it was concluded that the OSCE is ready to support SEE countries as they develop and implement their own human rights strategies, monitor supplier practices, protect workers' rights and ensure that government processes remain fair and transparent. It was emphasized that this can only be achieved through the development and adoption of specific laws and policies on due diligence in supply chains and public procurement, as well as by encouraging ongoing cooperation between various stakeholders, including anti-trafficking authorities, labor inspectors, law enforcement authorities, companies, and non-governmental organizations.