Training for consultants: Sustainability Management (HREDD)

May 27-30, 2024 | Belgrade

During the last week of May, we launched the first round of trainings on Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence (HREDD) in collaboration with the German Organization for International Cooperation - GIZ, the German consultancy Part of the Solution (POTS), the Responsible Supply Chain Initiative (RSCI) and the Yanfeng company. With these trainings, we took a significant step towards improving the skills of a dozen consultants and company representatives, primarily from the automotive sector in Serbia.

We've covered key topics such as:

  • What is corporate sustainability?
  • The relevance of sustainability for companies
  • Identifying and prioritizing sustainability topics for companies
  • Building and implementing a sustainability strategy
  • Balancing business focus on profit with people and planet.

Additionally, we dealt with conducting due diligence risk assessment and the role of standards in HREDD using the RSCI standard as an example.

During the next few months through the Pilot project, we will work more with suppliers in the automotive industry in Serbia and trying to bring them closer to sustainability standards.

RBH will continue, as before, to be dedicated to informing, raising awareness, and advising companies in Serbia about the standards and requirements arising from HREDD.

We aim to create industry-wide awareness of the German Supply Chain Act and upcoming EU legislation, supporting companies in implementing due diligence processes for social, labor, and environmental risks.