Training: “Carbon management for consultants”

19-29th Septembar 2023. and 19-23rd February 2024 | Belgrade

We notice that the requirements of both foreign buyers and EU directives are increasingly coming down through the supply chains, and this means that it is no longer only large Serbian companies, which are direct suppliers, who are obliged to fulfill these requirements, but it is becoming an obligation for small and medium-sized companies as well, which are part of their local supply chains.

Small and medium-sized enterprises do not have the financial capacity to hire large consulting firms that can help them achieve the fulfillment of new requirements. In the field of the consulting community, there is currently very little, or we can say almost non-existent capacity of consulting services on the Serbian market for the new demands facing the economy, such as measuring the carbon footprint of companies and products, CBAM reports, etc.

Responsible Business Hub has recognized this problem, and as a center that primarily provides support to exporting companies and their suppliers, we have launched a series of trainings that can help solve this problem.

During the months of September 2023 and February 2024, we held two trainings for consultants in the field of carbon management (measuring the carbon footprint of companies and preparing carbon strategies). Through these trainings, we trained around 35 new consultants who not only underwent training and did a case study, but also joined the Pilot project, which is a continuation of the training and which implies that they will provide a free carbon footprint measurement service for a manufacturing company, which applied for participation in the Pilot Project through the Open Call published by RBH. This pilot project represents a type of verification of the acquired knowledge of the consultants, but also an important service that RBH and CCIS provide to its members, where registered companies receive a free calculation of the company's carbon footprint.

Currently, about 20 companies are part of this project.

This is the first step in the creation of the RBH network of consultants, and in the future companies will be able to contact RBH and the Chamber of Commerce of Serbia and choose a consultant of their choice who has undergone specialized RBH training and who has proven their knowledge and competence.

Proof that the RBH Network of Consultants is recognized and acknowledged is the fact that we have been joined by consultants who have been in this business for a long time, and who have done training through some other programs. Their inclusion in the RBH Network of Consultants is through direct inclusion in the Pilot Project, i.e. providing a free carbon footprint calculation service for a manufacturing company.